This resource or database is asking me to create a personal account or to register, why?

This resource or database is asking me to create a personal account or to register, why?

Some databases and resources, such as AccessMedicine and the LWW collections encourage you to create a free personal account or to register to access specialized content, such as question banks and assessment sections.  Others, like Clinical Key, require a personal account to download and print content.  Personal accounts may also be required to use the database's or resource's mobile app.     

Many personal accounts allow personalization features and content customization and provide an alternate method for off-campus or remote access to their sites.  They also can be used to monitor and track abuse and copyright compliance. 

The personal accounts may have to be created from a computer connected to the Rowan network, and also in some cases the account has to be renewed after a set number of days, usually every 30 to 90 days, from a device on the Rowan network. Check the individual resource's account or registration web page for details on how you create and maintain the account.


Last Updated: Nov 18, 2022

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