Does Proquest pay royalties to authors of theses and dissertations?

Does Proquest pay royalties to authors of theses and dissertations?

Yes, but only if the number of uses of your work in ProQuest 's Dissertations and Theses Global database exceeds a preset threshold. Most authors will never receive any royalties, but if you receive a letter from ProQuest, it may be legitimate. For more information visit the Proquest website.



Last Updated: Sep 22, 2021

Comments (8)

  1. Just curious, when you say "most" will never get royalties, can you elaborate? I just got a small royalty notice for downloads of my dissertation from ProQuest ($27) , and I wonder if I should brag to my dad. :)
    by Heather on Feb 09, 2021
  2. Heather, you are the second person I've ever heard of that received royalties. Until I got the email that prompted me to investigate whether ProQuest pays royalties on dissertations, I was unaware that they did. A dissertation has to have more than 25 downloads in a given year to trigger royalty payments. I have no idea how often that happens but I don't think it is very often. - Denise Brush
    by Denise Brush on Feb 10, 2021
  3. Hi Denise, Thank you! In case you're curious, through escholarship via the U of California, it says my dissertation received 764 views and 349 downloads from March 2015-February 2021. Not sure how this squares with ProQuest, though. Maybe it's the same thing? Best, Heather
    by Heather on Feb 10, 2021
  4. I also got a letter for just under $50 of royalties. Trying to figure out if this is legit.
    by Jill on Feb 12, 2021
  5. I just received a similar letter and wondered if it is legitimate. Did both of you send in the paperwork? Thanks!
    by Misty on Feb 24, 2021
  6. Heather, I got a similar notice but have not acted upon it. Did you respond? I am still uncertain about this.
    by Kaye on Mar 06, 2021
  7. I got a notice from Proquest that, due to frequent down loads of my dissertation, Proquest has determined that a royalty is due to me. They (Proquest) asked me to return them the form filled. I did return that form electronically in January. I have not heard anything after that response or compliance. What is needed to be done now? Thanks.
    by HAMID KHAN on Apr 03, 2021
  8. Rowan University Libraries is not involved in the royalty payment process and cannot help authors with it. If you have any questions about it you will need to contact ProQuest directly.
    by Denise on Apr 05, 2021

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