Can the Libraries purchase the streaming rights to films, so that all Rowan users can access them?

Can the Libraries purchase the streaming rights to films, so that all Rowan users can access them?

Whether the Libraries can get the streaming rights to a film depends on who the film vendor is and what the licensing options are. While streaming rights to most commercial films are not available to libraries, there are some vendors that offer this option for teaching faculty (only faculty, not students). Before inquiring about whether the Libraries can purchase streaming rights for a film, please check the video databases Academic Video Online and Kanopy to ensure that the film is not already available to us.

Kanopy is the largest vendor through which the Libraries are able to purchase streaming licenses. You can access Kanopy from the Libraries Database Finder to search for a film title. If the Libraries do not already have access to the film but the film is offered through Kanopy, faculty will see a request form for that title. After completing the form, faculty will be contacted by the Libraries to let them know whether that item can be purchased. Kanopy film licenses are usually for one year, so if you know you could be using the film for consecutive years, mention that in the request form. 

Most mainstream films that aren’t available in Kanopy are not available elsewhere for the Library to purchase for streaming either. However, some academic films and documentaries from smaller film distributors (e.g., Docuseek) are available for purchase, if they have been approved as NJ state vendors. Please contact librarians if you have a question about a specific film.

Last Updated: Aug 01, 2024

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