How do I add search filters to Pubmed?
To add search filters to PubMed, click on "My NCBI" and login. Navigate to the Filter portlet and click Manage Filters. You can now browse or search for PubMed filters by selecting the desired category. Scroll through the category until you located a desired filter. Click in the box to apply the filter. The selected filter will now be visible under the "Your PubMed filter list." The filter will now be available to use within PubMed. If you want to create a custom query, click on "My NCBI" and login. Navigate to the Filter portlet and click Manage Filters. Now, click the Create Custom Filters. Enter your query and then provide a name in the "Save filter as" field. Finally, click the Save Filter. Note: You can only have 15 filters in PubMed active at any one time.
NLM Video On Custom Filters
Last Updated: Oct 10, 2016